CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), Chennai, India is one of the national laboratories under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India.



CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), Chennai, India is one of the national laboratories under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India. CSIR-SERC has built up excellent facilities and expertise for the analysis, design and testing of structures and structural components. Services of CSIR-SERC are being extensively used by the Central and State Governments and public and private sector undertakings. Scientists of CSIR-SERC serve on many national and international committees and the Centre is recognized at the national and international levels as a leading research institution in the field of structural engineering.

Charter of our Research Centre

CSIR-SERC acts as a clearing house for the latest available knowledge and develops know-how on design and construction of all types of structures. It undertakes application-oriented research in all aspects of structural engineering – both design and construction, including rehabilitation of structures. It provides design consultancy services, including proof checking, to organizations in the public and private sectors for developing a variety of structural designs. CSIR-SERC also organizes specialized courses on structural engineering for the benefit of practicing engineers to familiarize them with the latest developments in analysis, design and construction.

Vision of CSIR-SERC

To be a global leader in structural engineering by excelling in research in frontier and cutting edge areas, and by developing competitive technologies by embracing innovative inter- and trans- disciplinary approaches for the benefit of society and industry.

Mission of CSIR-SERC

  • To pursue and excel in research in frontier / cutting edge areas of structural engineering and to create niche areas.
  • To emerge as the most preferred resource centre for industry for solving new challenges in structures of different sizes, shapes, geometry and purpose of use.
  • To develop and transfer sustainable technologies addressing societal needs.
  • To be a preferred knowledge centre for providing structural engineering solutions for pre- and post- disaster needs.

CSIR-SERC’s focus

  • Knowledge creation and dissemination.
  • Technology development and transfer.
  • Development of innovative processes and products.
  • High-end knowledge based service to industry.
  • Services to society and strategic sector.

Business Enquiry

All business enquiries shall be addressed to:
Chennai 600113
Email: director[at]serc[dot]res[dot]in

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Head, BKMD
Chennai 600 113
Email: bkmd[at]serc[dot]res[dot]in